The Role of the ITAB

The Community Services and Health Industry Training Board is the Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) for the Community Services and Health industries.

ITABs provide authoritative, independent information on training needs, and promote skills development and take-up of training by businesses in their industries.

Our Vision
To lead, foster and support a dynamic, relevant and responsive learning culture across the community services and health industry.

Our Mission
To advance a training and learning culture for the community services and health industries that positions training and skills development as a key driver for business success.
The CS&HITBV is focused on working with key stakeholders to embed a learning culture which delivers quality training outcomes, that guarantees a skilled and flexible workforce for the community services and health industries. Our approach to ensuring that our advice to government, the training system and industry is credible, is to maintain extensive and ongoing consultation processes that attend to customer needs. This is further enhanced by undertaking relevant projects that contribute to the learning culture of the industry.
Under the governance of senior industry leaders representing government, employers and unions, we seek the views of industry at all levels — individual enterprises, peak associations, and government, throughout regional and metropolitan Victoria. In this way industries' needs and views are represented in all our work.